Peer Recovery Specialists assist individuals in becoming ready and willing to seek treatment, if required, and begin the journey of recovery by guiding them through available options. They employ a strengths-based approach to help individuals recognize and utilize their values, assets, and strengths while supporting them in achieving success. Once you have your certification there are many career paths for enrichment and professional development.
Generally, individuals seeking to become a Peer Recovery Specialist may need to complete a minimum number of training hours from an approved Recovery Community Organization (RCO), university, or college. Additionally, the applicant must reside in the state for at least 51% of the time, fill out an application form, adhere to a Peer ethical code of conduct agreement, pay an examination fee, and pass the Peer recovery examination to obtain certification in their state.
With additional education and training, it is possible to upgrade your Peer Specialist Certification, which will provide you with additional job opportunities. Some examples are listed below:
There are many trainings, workshops, seminars, and educational events that offer opportunities to enhance your education and training. These educational opportunities provide continuing education (CE), or sometimes referred to as continuing educational units (CEU’s), and provide a certificate of successful completion to attendees. The certificate of continuing education can then be used to maintain, renew, or upgrade your certification.
There are many recovery community organizations (RCO’s) that provide initial and subsequent training and skill development. Below are examples of some RCO’s in Minnesota.
Join the effort to promote healthy living among those in recovery from substance use disorder, mental health, or family by becoming a peer. You have the power to make a difference in someone’s life, assisting them to navigate and provide community resources to meet challenges.